Defining whether your Copilot campaign is repeatable

Repeatability is a setting available for Copilot campaigns. It allows you to send a campaign several times to the same customer, and to define the frequency with which this campaign can be resent to the customer.

Repeatability makes it possible to avoid overexposing a customer to a campaign, while at the same time making it possible to communicate it repeatedly, as long as it is relevant to the customer.


1ïžâƒŁ From the Date tab, activate the Repeatability button.

2ïžâƒŁ Setting the repeatability interval

The repeatability interval is the minimum time that must be respected before the campaign is sent out again to the customer.

In the case of an interval set to 1 month: a customer who received the campaign on June 30th will be able to receive it again on July 30th.

3ïžâƒŁ Defining maximum number of occurrences

By default, repeatability is unlimited. You can limit the number of times a customer can receive the campaign by defining the maximum number of occurrences per user.