Analyze the potential of your offers with the Efficiency Map

Efficiency Map is one of the platform's decision-making tools. It allows you to analyze the potential of your offers and identify areas for improvement in your marketing strategy:

  • What offers will my customers be interested in?

  • What offers will drive engagement and sales?

  • What offers should be generalized or targeted?

  • Which new offers should be promoted to generate new revenue opportunities?

Viewing how much revenue offers can generate

👉🏻 The first KPI that you can view is the revenue generated by the offers, visible when hovering on the rectangles.

👉🏻 The size of each offer on the map is representative of how much revenue this offer generates compared to your other offers.

👉🏻 You can also click on an offer to get more details, the Revenue section of the side panel will provide you with additional KPIs.

Understanding the Tendency of the offers with the arrows

The second KPI that you can observe on the Efficiency Map is the evolution of the revenue generated in the last 7 days or 30 days . The evolution is represented by arrows (red or green) and by a %.

Viewing customer demand at a glance with the Efficiency Index

The third important KPI is the efficiency index. When clicking on an offer, you will see a panel on the right-hand side indicating the index, which indicates how concentrated customer demand is and the offer segmenting.

It is visually represented by a color gradient, from white to blue/purple. The darker the color, the more segmented the offer, and therefore the higher the Efficiency Index will be.

What actions to take based on the Efficiency Map colors?

Based on the size of the offers on the map, the tendencies, and the efficiency indexes; you can identify actions to put into place to optimize your campaign plan.

  • Purple offers concentrate a smaller proportion of your customer base, these offers are therefore more specific. This means that you only need to target a few customers to generate most of the potential revenue on this offer. These are perfect offers for additional targeted communication, to a specific audience and on a small volume (recruitment via lookalike campaigns). 

  • Blue offers also concentrate a limited portion of your customer base and are good offers for targeted communication.

  • Light blue offers indicate items that do not concentrate on specific customers and are more diluted on your customer base. These types of offers are more suitable for communication triggered by customers' explicit intent.

  • White offers are recommended for larger audiences (full base campaigns, acquisition campaigns, activation or reactivation campaigns.