Excluding recent buyers

For some of your Purchase campaigns, particularly those highlighting offers with a low purchase frequency (Refrigerator, Long-distance travel, etc.), you may need to ensure that no one who has recently purchased the highlighted offer is targeted.

👉 Just enable the Exclude recent buyers button on the Eligibility tab.

Defining the exclusion parameters

You then need to set two exclusion parameters👇


1️⃣ Define the exclusion period


2️⃣ Define which offers are included in the exclusion

The platform offers you 3 options:

  • same offers as campaign allows you to exclude recent buyers from the offers selected in the campaign.

  • all buyers allows you to exclude all recent buyers, regardless of their purchases.

  • selected offers allows you to select offers different from those selected on your campaign.


👉 Once the filter is activated, customers meeting the exclusion rule will be automatically removed from the campaign audience.

✏️ You can update the exclusion rule at any time before arbitration by editing your campaign.