Find out what your audience is made of with Audience Insights

Audience Insights allows you to learn more about the makeup of your audience with different graphs and pie charts. You can access this menu from the left lateral menu by clicking on the 📊 icon.

👉🏼 What can you learn from these insights?

Analyzing these trends can help you make more informed decisions and adjust your marketing strategy if needed.

  • You can visualize the populations you are contacting the most (age range, gender, etc)

  • You can compare clients contacted by your campaigns (in %) Vs clients actionable in your base.

Audience Insights, by default you will find the four main graphs below:

  • gender distribution

  • age gender distribution

  • registration date distribution

  • email domain distribution

The data can be viewed by:

  • single campaigns (you can select a specific campaign, by selecting single exported campaigns)

  • all aggregated campaigns (by selecting exported campaigns)

  • channel

  • for a specific time range between the last 7, 14, and 30 days


💡 Note

If the dimensions are empty in the graphs, it means that we are not receiving the information.
You can customize this dashboard with any custom fields you may have configured (such as RFM segments, loyalty card holders, etc.).
Speak to your contact to see what options are available to you.

Understanding the Gender Distribution of your audience

The pie representing Gender Distribution of your base can be read in two ways:

  1. The outer circle of the pie
    When you
    hover the mouse on the outer circle of the pie, you can see the share of Men, Women, or Unknown within your contactable database. If you are viewing data on all aggregated campaigns, the total perimeter includes all contacts opt-in on a least one channel.

  2. The inner circle of the pie

    When you hover the mouse on the inner circle, you can see the distribution of genders through the lens of the campaign(s) you have chosen to analyze

Reading the Age & Gender Distribution of your audience

The age gender distribution chart shows the repartition of your population contacted when it comes to their gender (female in red and male in blue) and age.

👉🏼 Analyzing these trends helps you make more informed decisions and adjust your marketing strategy if needed.
👉🏼 You may want to use this to have an idea of what populations or segments of your database you are over or under-stimulating.

💡 Note
The small black vertical bar on the chart gives you an overview of the volume of your actionable customers. When hovering your mouse on the black bar, you can see the volume of actionable customers and when hovering your mouse on the red or blue bar, the volume of customers you've actually reached.

Registration Date and Email Domain Distribution

As with the previous graphs, the date the customer entered the database and the email domain will be displayed in the data:

  • either in relation to the actionable base (red line),

  • or in relation to the contacts reached in selected campaigns (colored columns).