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Pre-computed attributes categories

The Pre-computed attributes are indicators you can use as conditions in Custom Audience Filters. They are based on the data imported into Splio. They are also called aggregates.

They are deterministic, based on your customer's past behavior, or predictive, which are probabilities of future behaviors.

We have sorted the attributes into categories. You can see an overview of the categories in the image. The other pages of this guide list all the segments, most of the time with a definition or a calculation formula, the ones without a definition are self-explanatory. We also provide some examples of values you will be able to use in Custom Audience Filters.


By default:

  • Date of first order - YYYY-MM-DD

  • Date of last order - YYYY-MM-DD

  • Date of last online order - YYYY-MM-DD

  • Date of last offline order - YYYY-MM-DD

  • Average frequency of order: the average difference between orders expressed in a number of days. Empty if < 2 orders.

  • Tag - Multi buyer: true if the number of orders > 1

  • Tag - New customer: true if the number of orders = 1


  • Total spent

  • Total spent during the current year

  • Total spent during the last 6 or 12 months

  • Total spent online

  • Total spent in physical stores

  • Total orders online

  • Total store orders

  • Total number of orders

  • Total number of orders over the last 6 or 12 months

  • Average basket: total spent/number of orders. This segment is also available online/offline and over the last 12 months.

  • Tag - High spending potential: true if purchase of at least one item at X€ or more (X to be defined during the setup)

  • Total spent over N Months

  • Number of orders over the last N months

  • Average basket (custom): Average basket calculated with a specific definition

  • Tag - Regular customer: true if the number of orders >= 2 over the last N months

Purchase periods

By default:

  • Preferred shopping day: the day of the week with the most purchases. If equality between two days, the most recent is chosen - Monday, Tuesday...

  • Preferred shopping month: the month with the most purchases - January, February...


  • Preferred shopping N days: the days of the week with the most purchases (N to be defined during the setup).

  • Preferred shopping N months: the months with the most purchases (N to be defined during the setup).



  • Average discount rate: percentage of discounts obtained on the total spent

  • Number of discounted orders: number of orders including at least one product with a discount

  • Share of discounted orders: percentage of orders made with at least one product with a discount



  • Orders by category: number of products purchased on up to 5 categories (the categories need to be defined during setup)

  • Total product quantity: number of products purchased in total/over 6/12 months. The same product can be counted several times.

  • Total product quantity in the last 6 or 12 months

  • Average number of products per order

  • List of categories: list of distinct product categories with at least one order (30 categories maximum) - shoes, pants...

  • Top 5 product categories: list of top 5 product categories where an order has been made

  • Revenue per category: total revenue in a specific product category

  • Tag - Multi categories: orders in more than 1 product category

  • Last purchase date on a specific category: last purchase date on a specific product category

  • Large size buyer: if the customer has purchased at least X products with a large size tag (X to be defined during setup)


By default:

  • Preferred Channel: Web or Store. If 50/50, the most recent store.

  • Channel of first order: first channel used to order - Web or Store

  • Tag - Web customer: true if at least 1 web order

  • Tag - Shop customer: true if at least 1 order in store

  • Tag - Mixed customer: true if Web customer AND Store customer


  • Preferred store: store where the customer bought most often during the last 12 months. If 50/50, the most recent store

  • Tag - Single store: true if store number = 1

  • Tag - Multi-stores: true if store number > 1. True if one Web purchase + 1 Store purchase.

  • Store of first order

  • Store of last order

  • Channel of last order: last channel used to order - Web or Store - Web if 2 purchases the same day

  • Vendor last order

  • Store list: list of (distinct) stores with at least one purchase, including Web, 10 stores maximum


By default:

  • RFM segmentation: this segmentation splits your customers into categories depending on their purchase recency, frequency, and the amount (monetary). It is the current status for the client.

  • Previous RFM Segment

  • RFM Date of the status change


  • Tag - Engaged Contact: true if the number of clicks over N months >= X (X to be defined during setup)

  • Historical RFM 3 months: RFM Segmentation 3 months ago

  • IFR: Individualized Frequency Recency: This segmentation defines the customer in terms of their individualized purchase rhythm (on time, late...).

  • Historical RFM N months: RFM Segmentation N months ago


By default:

  • Customer Lifetime Value

  • Propensity to Buy